What is an electronic signature?

Electronic signature, your be-all

With electronic signature you sign documents online, just like with paper documents. Electronic signatures are designed to make signing process seamless, and legally binding.

What is an electronic signature?

At Click & Sign we help people looking for a global solution to sign electronic contracts, without any particular certificate.

Benefits of electronic signatures

What are electronic signatures used for?

Electronic signatures help you to close deals, sign documents, loans, rentals, order forms. All in all, if it has to be signed, it can be electronically signed.

What are the benefits of electronic signatures?

Let’s see some of the benefits electronic signatures can bring to your business:

• Cost effective

• Efficient

• User experience

• Workflow automation

• Space savings

• Analytical data of the final purchase process for further analysis

How Click &Sign is used by

Final users

Get alerts when you have documents to sign

First contact

The user receives an email or SMS with a link to access to the signature page or from a link or button placed at your corporate webpage.

Sign your documents with electronic signature

Document signature

Signing is as easy as entering an OTP received by SMS or by clicking on a button. The user can first upload documentation from the same page, such as payslips or bills.

By companies

First step of the signing process

Beginning of the process

Send documents to be signed by email or SMS, from the provided management area or redirect users from your website to the signature page.

Electronic signature Management area

Management area

You can send documents to be signed, manage the current deliveries, or configure the patterns to optimise your signature processes from the management area.

API to seamlessly integrate electronic signature into your website


With Click & Sign API totally free of charge, you can fully integrate electronic signature solutions into your ERP or CRM.

Outstanding features

Digital witness

Digital witness of the electronic signature

It is the document with probative value with all the electronic evidence generated during the process of signing the documents, such as, IPs of all the devices involved, email addresses, mobile phones, etc.

Pay per use

Pay for using esignature

Pay solely for the usage you make of the platform. No minimum consumption. Hassle and commitment-free. Only pay for what you use.

Upload documentation

Upload documentation for electronic signature

Request the signatories to upload documents during the signing process,such as payslips, bills, certified documents, identity documents, driving licenses, etc. These documents can be included in the documentary evidence if you want.


Branding and digital signature

Customize the elements of the signing process with your logo and your corporate colour.

Signature page

Your logo will head the signature page of the documents, and your corporate colour will stand out.


Customize the text of all the communications to your clients, and adding the logo and your corporate colour to the emails.

Multiple signatures

Electronic signatures and digital multi-signatures

Multi-signatures can follow a pre-defined order, or be signed in any order; and all signatures or only some signatures may be requested for documents to be accepted as signed.

Single signature

The simplest type is one or several documents that a single signatory must sign

Parallel signature

Documents are received at once by all the signatories and can be signed in any order. Signatures are either joint the signature of all the signatories is required, or joint and severally signatures (not all signatories must sign to be valid).

Sequential signature

The signatories receive the documents to be signed following a pre-set order. A signatory will only receive the documents if the previous signer has signed them. More than one signatory is allowed per level or position, and signatures can be joint (all signatories must sign) or joint and severally signatures (not all signatories need to sign).

Identification of signatories

Signatory identification in electronically signed documents

We provide three different methods to authenticate the identity of the signatories.

Email or mobile phone

The most basic authentication. Signatories can only access the signature page through a link sent either by email or SMS.


Signatories must enter an OTP received by SMS that is required to sign the document at the time of signing.

ID document

During the signing process, signatories must upload a snapshot of their ID document, passport or driving licence; this document is analysed, and the data is validated

Free API

Free API to sign digitally

Integrate Click & Sign into your applications, services or procedures simply and quickly.

Our extensive API covers all the electronic signature environments, both the administrative and user side. And it’s free.

Cloud-based legal custody

Legal custody for electronic signatures

All documents generated during the entire signature process are stored in the cloud for 5 years, in compliance with legal requirements, being always available for download if required at no extra cost.

Bulk mailing

Bulk mailing for electronic signature

Send documents for signature directly to an unlimited number of users with a single click.

Attach a CSV file with the data of all the signatories you want to send. You can also send multi-signatures, set up different signature levels or request documentation from your signatories


Multilingual e-signature platform

Click & Sign's platform is offered in 13 languages:

Arabic, Bulgarian, Danish, Catalan, Dutch, English, French, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Euskera, and Arabic.

Start now and pay as you go—no commitments or hidden terms.

Start Now!
Free esignature API

Free esignature API

Our free API allows to integrate a complete electronic signature solution with your CRM, ERP or mobile application.

Discover our API
Pay per use

Pay per use

With Click & Sign you pay-per-use,no fees. You can also pre-calculate the price.

View prices